1.国保、都道府県単位に再編 財政安定化狙う
2.後期高齢者医療制度見直し 対象「65歳以上」を断念
6.血液がん治療薬 セルジーンに効能追加承認
7.目の染色剤 欧州販売 九大発ベンチャー開発
8.脳卒中:まひの手回復に新手法 慶応大チーム開発
10.多剤耐性菌はなくならない! 感染症への本当の備えとは
1) たとえ減量できなくても、身体活動を高めれば血糖値を改善できる
18.AstraZeneca drug fails in prostate cancer trial
19.Celiac Disease Incidence Increases as People Grow Older, U.S. Study Shows
20.Painless laser device could spot early signs of disease
21.Migraine cause 'identified' as genetic defect
22.Smoking link to ectopic pregnancy
23.New Software for Defibrillators Lowers Risk of Unnecessary Shocks
24.In Test of Stents, Old Standby Wins Out
25.Statins Could Prevent More Strokes, Heart Attacks: Analysis
1) CYPHER® Sirolimus Drug-Eluting Stent Remains Unsurpassed in Terms of Safety and Efficacy
1.国保、都道府県単位に再編 財政安定化狙う
2.後期高齢者医療制度見直し 対象「65歳以上」を断念
一方、調査項目の「薬剤の選択・使用」について、調査を行った厚労省研究班の前原正明・主任研究者(防衛医科大学校教授)は、「医師は(包括的指示を)出しているが、実際は自分たちのコントロールの下でやっている。看護師さんはオーダーも出て実際に動いているので、(現在の看護師の実施率で医師と看護師の間に)少し乖離が見られた」と説明。「他職種の方々が関係する質問については、特に慎重に分析し、必要であればアンケート調査もしなければならない」との考えを示した。これに対し、浜松医科大附属病院教授・薬剤部長の川上純一構成員は、「特に薬剤の選択の方は、実際どのぐらいの範囲を指すかによって、回答結果が随分変わる」とし、「丁寧に調査してくださいとお願いしたのに、それがないまま、こ� �ように結果も分かれてしまった」と不満を口にした。…
厚生労働省統計情報部は、2009年「医療施設(動態)調査・病院報告」概況を公表した。それによると、09年10月1日現在、病院の医療従事者総数は、非常勤も含め182万0335・0 人で、前年より4万8899・2人(2・8%)増えた。このうち、病院に勤務する薬剤師は、常勤換算で前年より1353・6人(3・2%)増の4万3113・6人。実人員も4万5466人で、前年より1419人(3・2%)増加した。
病院報告によると、医療従事者の総数は年々増加傾向にあり、病院100床当たりで見ても、常勤換算医療従事者は113・7 人と、前年の110・0 人に比べ3・7 人増加している。薬剤師は2・7人で前年に比べ0・1人増えた。医師は11・9人で0・2人の増加、看護師も41・2人で1・6人増えた。
全国の医療施設は、前年に比べ815施設増加の17万6471施設だった。そのうち「病院」は、前年に比べ55施設減少の8739施設で、「一般診療所」は552施設増の9万9635 施設だった。依然として、病院が減少する一方で、一般診療所は増加傾向にある。
6.血液がん治療薬 セルジーンに効能追加承認
7.目の染色剤 欧州販売 九大発ベンチャー開発
8.脳卒中:まひの手回復に新手法 慶応大チーム開発
10.多剤耐性菌はなくならない! 感染症への本当の備えとは
Nikkei Business Publications2010年9月28日
CURRENT-OASIS 7試験の結果その1(Lancet誌から)
急性冠症候群で経皮的冠インターベンション(PCI)を受けた患者の心血管イベント、ステント血栓症、出血などを予防するには、クロピドグレル標準用量と2倍量、アスピリン低用量と高用量のどれが最も好ましいのだろうか。この4通りの薬物治療の影響を比較したカナダMcMaster大学のShamir R. Mehta氏らは、2倍量のクロピドグレルの適用が好ましいことを示唆する結果を得た。論文は、Lancet誌電子版に2010年9月1日に掲載された。
著者らは、2通りの用量のクロピドグレルと2通りの用量のアスピリンが、PCIを受ける急性冠症候群患者(ST上昇の有無は問わない)の主要な心血管イベントやステント血栓症のリスクに及ぼす影響を評価する、2×2ファクトリアルデザインのCURRENT-OASIS 7試験を計画。06年6月から09年7月まで、39カ国の597施設で実施した。
他の抗凝固薬、GP IIb/IIIa拮抗薬、スタチンなどの処方は担当医の判断に任せた。
原題は「Double-dose versus standard-dose clopidogrel and high-dose versus low-dose aspirin in individuals undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention for acute coronary syndromes (CURRENT-OASIS 7): a randomised factorial trial」
CURRENT-OASIS 7試験の結果その2(NEJM誌から)
急性冠症候群で侵襲的治療が必要と判断された患者の心血管イベントに対する、クロピドグレル標準用量と2倍量、アスピリン低用量と高用量の影響を比較したCURRENT-OASIS 7試験の、もう1つの解析結果がNEJM誌電子版に2010年9月2日に報告された。論文をまとめたカナダMCMASTER大学のShamir R. Mehta氏らによると、PCIを受けた患者に限定せず、すべての登録患者を対象に分析した場合、どの用量を用いても転帰に有意な差はないという結果が得られたという。
CURRENT-OASIS 7の結果はこれまでにも学会発表されている。特に、CURRENT STEMI PCIコホートと呼ばれる一部の患者(ST上昇急性心筋梗塞でPCIを受けた集団)を対象とする分析で、クロピドグレル2倍量が出血リスクを高めることなく心血管イベントを予防する可能性が示されたために、より広範な患者に対する倍量投与の利益を示すデータが待たれていた。
この論文の1日前にLancet誌に報告されたCURRENT-OASIS 7の結果(その1)は、実際にPCIを受けた患者にはクロピドグレル2倍量が有効であることを示唆したが、「その2」となるこちらの分析では、登録された患者すべてを分析対象にすると、心血管イベント発生率については標準用量と2倍量の間の差はなく、出血リスクは2倍量群で有意に高いことが明らかになった。
著者らは、2通りの用量のクロピドグレルと2通りの用量のアスピリンが、侵襲的治療可能施設に紹介された急性冠症候群患者(ST上昇の有無は問わない)の主要な心血管イベントや出血のリスクに及ぼす影響を評価するために、2×2ファクトリアルデザインのCURRENT-OASIS 7試験を計画。06年6月から09年7月まで、39カ国の597施設で実施した。
他の抗凝固薬、GP IIb/IIIa拮抗薬、スタチンなどの処方は担当医の判断に任せた。
原題は「Dose Comparisons of Clopidogrel and Aspirin in Acute Coronary Syndromes」
文献:Parker C et al. Antipsychotic drugs and risk of venous thromboembolism: nested case-control study. BMJ. 2010; 341:c4245
文献:The FUTURA/OASIS-8 Trial Group. Low-Dose vs Standard-Dose Unfractionated Heparin for Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Acute Coronary Syndromes Treated With Fondaparinux: The FUTURA/OASIS-8 Randomized Trial. JAMA. 2010;304(12):1339-1349
文献:Peters SP et al. Tiotropium Bromide Step-Up Therapy for Adults with Uncontrolled Asthma. NEJM. September 19, 2010
17.学会ダイジェスト: 第46回欧州糖尿病学会
2010年9月20日~24日 Stockholm, Sweden
1) たとえ減量できなくても、身体活動を高めれば血糖値を改善できる
減量できなくても、身体活動そのものを高めることで、2時間後血糖値や空腹時血糖は改善する可能性があることが示された。PREPAREプログラム研究で明らかになったもので、英レスター大学の心臓血管科学のT. Yates氏が、9月20日から24日までスウェーデンのストックホルムで開催された第46回欧州糖尿病学会(EASD2010)で報告した。
教育プログラムによる介入を行った2つの群(E群、EP群)には3カ月後と6カ月後にカウンセリングを行い、すべての群で3カ月後、6カ月後、12カ月後にフォローアップを実施した。その上で、今回の調査では、参加者には24カ月後に血糖状態を評価する追加検査を行い、空腹時血糖値と食後2時間血糖値、WHO基準による2型糖尿病への進行の評価、体重などを調べた。ベースラインからの変化に見られる差は、共分散分析(ANCOVA;Analysis of covariance)で分析した。
解析の結果、2時間後血糖値は、EP群のみが有意な減少を維持した。具体的には、ベースラインで8.7±2.3 mmol/Lだったものが、24カ月後は7.3±2.2mmol/Lに減少した。ベースライン値で調整した対照群と比較した変化は、-1.5 mmol/L(95%信頼区間:-2.8~-0.3、p=0.012)だった。
空腹時血糖についても、EP群のみで有意な減少傾向が見られた。ベースラインで5.6±0.6mmol/Lだったものが、24カ月後 には5.4±0.7mmol/Lと減少した。ベースライン値で調整した対照群と比較した変化は、-0.3mmol/L(95%信頼区間:-0.7~0.0、p=0.073)だった。
18.AstraZeneca drug fails in prostate cancer trial
AstraZeneca's experimental prostate cancer pill zibotentan failed to improve survival in a late-stage clinical trial, dealing a fresh blow to the company's oncology pipeline.
As a result, AstraZeneca plans no regulatory submissions for zibotentan at this time and a spokesman said on Monday it was discussing the implications of the setback with investigators working on other studies involving the drug.
The failure of zibotentan to improve overall survival in the Phase III study follows similarly unsuccessful trials for two other AstraZeneca pills, Recentin in colon cancer earlier this year and vandetanib in lung cancer in 2009.
Vandetanib has since gone on to show benefits in thyroid cancer, a smaller potential market.
Zibotentan, a once-daily tablet, is being studied in more than 3,000 men with prostate cancer in a program of clinical trials.
Two other studies looking at the medicine in different settings are still ongoing, with one having fully recruited patients and expected to announce results in the second half of 2011 and the second having almost completed recruitment.
Paul Diggle, an analyst at Ambrian Partners, said he had removed modest sales expectations of $200 million a year for the drug from his forecasts.
Zibotentan was designed to help patients who no longer respond to treatments that block the action of testosterone, a hormone driving cancer growth, by blocking another biological pathway that helps tumors thrive.
It was widely viewed as a risky product by analysts and the drug had been forecast to achieve sales of $189 million by 2014, according to consensus forecasts compiled by Thomson Reuters.
Shares in AstraZeneca fell 1 percent by 7:45 a.m. ET, underperforming a 0.2 decline in the European drugs sector.
The Anglo-Swedish drugmaker had better news on Friday when its heart drug Brilinta, or Brilique, was recommended for approval in Europe -- boosting prospects for a medicine that analysts expect to sell some $2 billion by 2014.
AstraZeneca is relying on revenues from new products like Brilinta to offset expiring patents on some of its best-selling medicines, such as heartburn treatment Nexium and Seroquel for schizophrenia.
Within the cancer space, the group has pushed hard to develop convenient tablet-based treatments as an alternative to injections or infusions, although so far the strategy has met with only limited success.
One of its early cancer pills, Iressa for lung cancer, was initially seen as a flop but it has recently seen a revival in its fortunes thanks to tests to identify those patients who will gain from using it.
19.Celiac Disease Incidence Increases as People Grow Older, U.S. Study Shows
Bloomberg News2010年9月28日
Celiac disease, which damages the lining of the gut and is triggered by eating food containing gluten, occurs more often as adults age, according to a study suggesting that environmental influences may be involved.
Cases doubled in a sample of 3,511 patients followed from 1974 to 1989, according to proteins measured in blood samples. This provides evidence that the condition doesn't start in childhood, as doctors once thought it did, researchers said today in the Annals of Medicine.
The results may begin to explain why celiac disease has increased fivefold in the U.S. in the last 30 years, the authors wrote. The research suggests that the rise is not simply due to better diagnosis, and that the illness may be preventable, as people with a genetic disposition for it can live decades before getting sick, said Alessio Fasano, an author of the study.
"If we can understand what helps people lose gluten tolerance, we may develop tricks to retain tolerance, even if you've lost it already," said Fasano, director of the University of Maryland's Mucosal Biology Research Center in Baltimore and the celiac research center, in a telephone interview.
Celiac disease affects more than 2 million Americans, according to the National Institutes of Health, based in Bethesda, Maryland. The condition, which can be symptomless, is triggered when people ingest wheat or other foods containing gluten, such as bread or beer. The immune system attacks part of the small intestine, causing abdominal bloating, diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, weight loss and pain, the federal agency says on its website.
Autoimmune Disease
Because the illness is an autoimmune disease, the findings may also hold clues to other disorders, such as multiple sclerosis, that are caused by a malfunctioning immune system.
The report showing people may acquire celiac disease as they age time strengthens the idea that the environment may be crucial for developing the condition. Patients' genes didn't vary during the study, Fasano said.
The effects of environment may be described by thinking of the human genome as a piano, he said. As long as no one plays the instrument, the owner doesn't notice that some keys are defective. If someone plays, suddenly the defect is obvious, Fasano said. Perhaps the player in celiac disease is a virus or bacterium, he said.
The study was done by testing blood samples taken in 1974 and 1989 from people in Washington County, Maryland, the authors wrote.
Fasano plans to study people who develop celiac disease at young ages and compare them with people who develop the disease later, to see if there can be some pattern, he said.
The research was funded by the University of Maryland School of Medicine, Madison, New Jersey-based Quest Diagnostics Inc., and other sources.
20.Painless laser device could spot early signs of disease
BBC News2010年9月27日
Portable devices with painless laser beams could soon replace X-rays as a non-invasive way to diagnose disease.
Researchers say that the technique could become widely available in about five years.
The method, called Raman spectroscopy, could help spot the early signs of breast cancer, tooth decay and osteoporosis.
Scientists believe that the technology would make the diagnosis of illnesses faster, cheaper and more accurate.
Raman spectroscopy is the measurement of the intensity and wavelength of scattered light from molecules.
It is already being used in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. For instance, Raman lasers are used to measure flame characteristics. By studying how fuels burn, pollution from the products of combustion can be minimised.
Michael Morris, a chemistry professor at the University of Michigan, US, has been using Raman for the past few years to study human bones.
So far, he has been working on cadavers, but he says that Raman could prove effective in living patients.
"You can replace a lot of procedures, a lot of diagnostics that are out there right now. The big advantage is that it's non-invasive, pretty fast - much faster than classical procedures - and more accurate," he told BBC News.
When a person is sick, or about to become sick, the chemical mix in the tissue is quite different from that in healthy tissue, scientists say. So the Raman spectrum changes depending on the tissue it analyses, Professor Morris explained.
"Raman gives you a molecular fingerprint, a composition of whatever it is you're measuring," he said.
"In diseased states, the chemical composition is either slightly abnormal or very markedly abnormal, depending upon the diseases."
The diagnoses could be carried out in a matter of minutes and without need for an X-ray.
"A patient simply puts his or her wrist on a table and then we have the optical fibres delivering laser light... connected to a holder, a sort of a bracelet made out of silicon, that is strapped to the patient's wrist," explained Professor Morris.
"We turn on the laser and after we've collected enough signal in a few minutes, we turn it off. In principle, it will take a couple of seconds to interpret the results."
Raman spectrometry is used in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries
Besides bone diseases, the tool could prove effective in detecting early tooth decay, say researchers.
And drawing blood might become unnecessary in some cases. For instance, to determine the levels of cholesterol, one would simply have to point the laser "where you would be looking to draw a blood sample at the crook of the arm, where the blood vessels are very close to the skin," said Professor Morris.
New applications
Another application could be using Raman as a non-invasive alternative to a typical mammography - a process that uses low-dose X-rays to screen patients for signs of breast cancer.
The laser would "look" into the tissue and generate different spectra - a distribution of colours reflecting differences in the properties of the tissue. This could reveal benign or malignant tumours, depending on characteristic changes in the protein structure and in the relative amounts of protein, lipids and nucleic acids in the tissue.
British researchers at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Didcot and at the Gloucestershire Royal Hospital have been using Raman to analyse calcifications in breast tissue that might be early signs of cancer.
Some believe Raman spectrometry could eventually be an alternative to the current technique of mammography
"We could target those calcifications and make a decision about whether they're benign or malignant," Nicholas Stone, head of the biophotonics research unit at the Gloucestershire Royal Hospital told the magazine Chemical and Engineering News.
"If they're malignant, or look like they are, you would come back for a biopsy. If they're benign, which is 80 to 90% of the cases, you would not come back for a biopsy."
"In the UK alone, that would save about 80,000 patients from having secondary procedures."
21.Migraine cause 'identified' as genetic defect
BBC News2010年9月27日
Scientists have identified a genetic defect linked to migraine which could provide a target for new treatments.
A flawed gene found in a family of migraine sufferers could help trigger the severe headaches, a study in Nature Medicine suggests.
Dr Zameel Cader of the University of Oxford said the discovery was a step forward in understanding why one in five people suffers from migraines.
The World Health Organization rates it as a leading cause of disability.
A migraine is a severe, long-lasting headache usually felt as a throbbing pain at the front or on one side of the head.
Some can have a warning visual disturbance, called an aura, before the start of the headache, and many people also have symptoms such as nausea and sensitivity to light during the headache itself.
Until now, the genes directly responsible for migraine have been unknown.
In this study, scientists including some from the Medical Research Council's Functional Genomics Unit at the University of Oxford found a gene known as TRESK was directly attributable as a cause of migraine in some patients.
The study found that if the gene does not work properly, environmental factors can more easily trigger pain centres in the brain and cause a severe headache.
The international team used DNA samples from families with common migraine to identify the defective gene.
'Activate' gene
Dr Aarno Palotie, from the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, said the breakthrough could eventually lead to new drugs which could switch off the pain of migraines.
"It opens new avenues for planning new research which possibly could then lead to new treatments... but of course it's a long road."
Dr Cader, one of the MRC researchers involved in the study, said: "Previous studies have identified parts of our DNA that increase the risk in the general population, but have not found genes which can be directly responsible for common migraine.
"What we've found is that migraines seem to depend on how excitable our nerves are in specific parts of the brain.
"Finding the key player which controls this excitability will give us a real opportunity to find a new way to fight migraines and improve the quality of life for those suffering."
He told the BBC's Today programme the research showed the defective gene in migraine patients was under-active, therefore causing the headaches.
"So what we want to do is find a drug that will activate the gene," he added.
Professor Peter Goadsby, trustee of The Migraine Trust, said: "The identification of a mutation in a gene for the potassium channel in a family with migraine with aura provides both a further important part of the puzzle in understanding the biology of migraine, and a novel direction to consider new therapies in this very disabling condition."
22.Smoking link to ectopic pregnancy
BBC News2010年9月27日
A chemical in cigarette smoke has been found to cause a reaction which can lead to ectopic pregnancies, according to Edinburgh scientists.
Research from experts at Edinburgh University said Cotinine triggered a reaction which increased a protein in the Fallopian tubes.
They said the protein, called PROKR1, raised the risk of an egg implanting outside the womb.
Details of the study were published in the American Journal of Pathology.
PROKR1 allows pregnancies to implant correctly inside the womb, but its presence in the Fallopian tubes is believed to increase the risks of this happening outside the womb.
The study found that women who smoked and developed an ectopic pregnancy had twice as much PROKR1 in their Fallopian tubes as women who did not smoke and had previously had a healthy pregnancy.
Researchers believe that too much of the protein prevents the muscles in the walls of the Fallopian tubes from contracting, which in turn hinders the transfer of the egg to the womb.
Dr Andrew Horne, of the university's centre for reproductive biology, said: "This research provides scientific evidence so that we can understand why women who smoke are more at risk of ectopic pregnancies and how smoking impacts on reproductive health.
"While it may be easy to understand why inhalation of smoke affects the lungs, this shows that components of cigarette smoke also enter the blood stream and affect seemingly unconnected parts of the body like the reproductive tract."
The study, funded by Wellbeing of Women, analysed tissue samples from female smokers and non-smokers, and from women who had previously had ectopic and healthy pregnancies.
Smoking is thought to increase the risk of an ectopic pregnancy by up to four times.
There are more than 30,000 ectopic pregnancies in the UK each year, with the egg implanting in the Fallopian tube in 98% of cases.
This can cause the tube to rupture and lead to internal bleeding and fertility problems in the future.
Around one in 50 pregnancies in the western world is ectopic. The condition is the leading cause of maternal mortality in the first three months of pregnancy.
23.New Software for Defibrillators Lowers Risk of Unnecessary Shocks
Upgraded software can be uploaded into the ICD during routine doctor visit, researchers say
HealthDay News2010年9月27日
Implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs) have saved the lives of tens of thousands of Americans at risk for sudden cardiac death because of serious heart rhythm abnormalities.
But these medical devices have gotten a bad reputation in recent years, mainly because the electrical wires, or leads, that connect the ICD to the heart can sometimes fracture, causing patients to unnecessarily receive painful shocks.
Now, a new study suggests that doctors can cut the relative risk of accidental shocks in half simply by downloading upgraded software into the ICD during a routine office visit.
The Lead Integrity Alert (LIA) software checks the device for suspicious electrical signals six times a day, and if problems are detected, alerts the patient with an audible beep every four hours, according to the study, which was published in the Sept. 27 issue of Circulation.
In contrast, standard ICD software usually monitors the device for signs of fractures and other mechanical problems just once a day, and notifies the patient of any abnormalities with a single alert at the same time every day.
The biggest advance, said study author Dr. Charles Swerdlow, a cardiac electrophysiologist at the Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute in Los Angeles, is that LIA software can detect electrical changes that signal a wire fracture and recalibrate the device to delay an inappropriate shock from occurring.
"The software basically makes the devices less trigger-happy," said Swerdlow, who is a clinical professor of medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles' David Geffen School of Medicine.
The study was funded by Medtronic Inc., which developed the LIA software for use with the company's ICDs that are connected to a specific type of lead that has been particularly prone to fractures. (That lead, known as Sprint Fidelis, was removed from the market in 2007.)
"Some doctors have been pulling these leads out prophylactically because they're worried about fractures, but what they often don't consider is that there are significant risks associated with lead replacement surgery," noted Swerdlow, who added that he hoped these findings encourage doctors to consider other options before replacing ICD leads.
Earlier this year, researchers reported that a new type of ICD that can be implanted just under the patient's skin and eliminate the need for electrical leads altogether may be just as effective as conventional models, but electrophysiologists say larger and longer-term studies are needed to prove their safety and efficacy.
For the software study, Swerdlow and his co-authors compared the experience of 426 patients prior to surgery to replace fractured leads. Half of the patients received standard daily monitoring and half were monitored with the addition of the downloadable LIA software. Among the patients who had standard monitoring, 70 percent received one or more inappropriate shocks, compared with only 38 percent of those who were monitored with the help of LIA software. Five or more inappropriate shocks were delivered to 50 percent of the patients who received standard monitoring, but only 25 percent of patients with LIA.
The researchers also found that 72 percent of patients with LIA had no inappropriate shock, or had at least three days warning prior to an inappropriate shock, compared with only 50 percent of those who received standard monitoring.
Many electrophysiologists began using the software soon after the FDA approved it in August 2008, said Dr. Andrea M. Russo, director of Cardiac Electrophysiology and Arrhythmia Services at Cooper University Hospital in Camden, N.J.
"Inappropriate shocks are much more damaging, psychologically, [than necessary electrical jolts] so we need to aim to eliminate every shock that's unnecessary," said Russo, who is a professor of medicine at UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in New Brunswick, N.J.
Now that more and more patients with ICDs can be monitored at home with the use of remote systems that send information to doctors over a telephone line, "getting patients to come into the office so we can download the software is sometimes the hardest part," said Russo.
Swerdlow said other ICD software now under development will hopefully making the device "smart enough to know when a lead is broken and withhold a shock altogether." But that advancement, he said, "is a much trickier thing because the penalty for being wrong is really high. If someone crashes their iPod, they're out of songs for a while. But if a patient crashes their defibrillator, they can die."
An estimated 114,000 patients have surgery to implant or replace ICDs every year, according to the American Heart Association.
24.In Test of Stents, Old Standby Wins Out
Older drug-eluting model prevents more major cardiac events than a newer version, researchers find
HealthDay News2010年9月27日
In a head-to-head comparison of drug-coated stents -- the metal mesh tubes used to keep clogged arteries open -- the well-established model using the drug sirolimus came out on top, South Korean researchers report.
A newer version, one coated with zotarolimus, fell short, the study found.
Coating stents with time-released drugs can help prevent infection or clogging in stents, but researchers have questioned the safety and effectiveness of different coatings.
"Drug-coated stents have reduced re-stenosis rates compared to bare metal stents, but require prolonged dual antiplatelet therapy to prevent clotting of the drug-coated stent," said Dr. Gregg Fonarow, an American Heart Association spokesman. "There has been great interest in developing stents coated with alternative drugs and different polymers," he explained.
The study was released online Sept. 27 ahead of print publication in the Oct. 5 issue of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.
In preventing major cardiac events, the researchers found that zotarolimus-coated stents, the new entry in the field, were less effective than the sirolimus-eluting stents, but better than stents coated with paclitaxel.
"Similar to other comparative stent trials, the sirolimus-eluting stent seemed to come out ahead in safety and efficacy," said Fonarow, who is also a cardiology professor at the University of California, Los Angeles.
For the study, a team led by Dr. Duk-Woo Park from the University of Ulsan College of Medicine and Asan Medical Center in Seoul randomly assigned 2,645 patients undergoing angioplasty, a procedure to restore blood flow through the artery, to one of the three stents.
After a year, Park's team tallied the number of adverse cardiac events the patients experienced, including death, heart attack and the need for a new angioplasty on the same artery in which the stent was placed.
The researchers found that 10.2 percent of the patients who received zotarolimus-coated stents suffered a major adverse cardiac event, compared with 8.3 percent of the patients who received sirolimus-coated stents and 14.1 percent of those with paclitaxel-coated stents.
The number of heart attacks and deaths was about the same in each group, but the rate of blood clots in the stents was significantly lower with sirolimus-eluting stents, Park's team also found.
"In this large-scale, practical randomized trial, the use of zotarolimus-eluting stents resulted in similar rates of major adverse cardiac events compared with sirolimus-eluting stents and in fewer major adverse cardiac events compared with paclitaxel-eluting stents at 12 months," the researchers concluded in their report.
However, they said a limitation of their study is the one-year follow-up period, and noted that a longer, ongoing study pitting zotarolimus-eluting stents against sirolimus-eluting stents will provide more safety information.
The trial was partially funded by Medtronic, maker of the zotarolimus-eluting stent.
Fonarow said the study results can help cardiologists arrive at treatment decisions. "These studies help to better inform interventional cardiologists in the optimal choice of drug-eluting stents for their patients being treated for coronary artery disease," Fonarow said.
25.Statins Could Prevent More Strokes, Heart Attacks: Analysis
Wider use would be cost-effective prevention method, researchers say
HealthDay News2010年9月27日
Broader use of cholesterol-lowering statins may be a cost-effective way to prevent heart attack and stroke, U.S. researchers suggest.
In the study, published online Sept. 27 in the journal Circulation, the researchers also found that screening for high sensitivity C-reactive protein (CRP) to identify patients who may benefit from statin therapy is only cost-effective in certain cases. Elevated levels of CRP indicate inflammation and suggest an increased risk for heart attack and stroke.
Currently, statin therapy is recommended for high-risk patients -- those with a 20 percent or greater risk of some type of cardiovascular event within the next 10 years. But statins may also benefit people with a lower risk, according to Dr. Mark Hlatky, professor of health research and policy and of cardiovascular medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine in Stanford, Calif., and colleagues.
Hlatky's team set out to determine the cost-effectiveness of three statin therapy approaches in patients with normal cholesterol levels and no evidence of heart disease or diabetes: following current guidelines; conducting CRP screening in patients who don't meet current statin treatment guidelines and offering statins to those with elevated CRP levels; and providing statin therapy based on a patient's cardiovascular risk alone, with no CRP testing.
The researchers analyzed which of the three approaches met the generally accepted cost-effectiveness threshold of no more than $50,000 per quality-adjusted life-year. They found that statin therapy based on cardiovascular risk alone, without CRP testing, was the most cost-effective strategy.
Initiating statin treatment at lower risk levels -- without CRP testing -- "would further improve clinical outcomes at acceptable cost, making it the optimally cost-effective strategy in our analysis," the researchers wrote in a university news release.
"Ideally, a marker would tell us who will benefit from drug treatment and who will not," Hlatky pointed out in the release. "If a test could give us that information, it would be very cost-effective. But there's not good evidence yet that CRP, or any other test, works that well."
1) CYPHER® Sirolimus Drug-Eluting Stent Remains Unsurpassed in Terms of Safety and Efficacy
SORT OUT IV Data Presented at TCT in Washington DC Shows Remarkable Safety and Efficacy Measures with Both CYPHER Stent and Xience Stent
Only CYPHER Has More Than 10 Years of Safety Data in 70 Studies
BRIDGEWATER, N.J.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Investigators reported results of SORT-OUT IV, comparing Cordis Corporation's CYPHER® Sirolimus-eluting Coronary Stent and Abbott's XIENCE V ® Everolimus-eluting Stent in the primary endpoint of MACE (major acute coronary events) at nine months. These findings were presented at the TCT annual meeting, (TCT 2010)held last week in Washington DC. This study adds to the unmatched body of safety and efficacy data on the CYPHER® Stent with this comparison to the more recently approved XIENCE V® Stent in a contemporary setting.
"The SORT OUT consortium has used CYPHER® Stent as the comparator in a number of studies and to date, no newer stent has proven a benefit over CYPHER® Stent in terms of safety or efficacy," said Campbell Rogers, M.D., Chief Scientific Officer and Head, Global Research and Development, Cordis Corporation. "The safety and efficacy of the CYPHER® Stent in this real-world randomized study reinforce the excellent sustained clinical outcomes consistently seen over the last 10 years."
The large randomized trial SORT OUT IV included more than 2,600 patients across a wide range of lesion and patient complexity. The study was designed to test whether the XIENCE V® stent is non-inferior to the CYPHER® stent. Both drug-eluting stents performed better than planned for the composite endpoint of MACE (4.9 % for XIENCE V® Stent vs. 5.2% for CYPHER® Stent); these data support the non-inferiority of the XIENCE stent over the CYPHER stent (non-inferiority p=0.01) . There was no statistically significant difference in key markers of safety including the incidence of cardiac death (1.9% for XIENCE V® Stent vs. 1.4% for CYPHER® Stent: p=0.31), myocardial infarction, (1.1% for XIENCE V® Stent vs. 1.4% for CYPHER® Stent: p=0.48), or definite or probable stent thrombosis (0.9% for XIENCE V® Stent vs. 0.9% for CYPHER® Stent: p=0.83).
"The SORT OUT IV trial demonstrates that both drug eluting stents perform extremely well," said Rogers. "The unique design characteristics of the CYPHER® Stent continue to make it an essential treatment option for today's interventional cardiologists."
About the CYPHER® Stent
The CYPHER® Stent has been chosen by cardiologists worldwide to treat approximately three million patients with coronary artery disease. The safety and efficacy of the device is supported by a robust clinical trial program that includes more than 70 studies that examine the performance of the CYPHER® Stent in a broad range of patients.
For more complete information on indications, contraindications, warnings and precautions, see the Instructions for Use available at www.cypherstent.com.
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